21.1km per day for 21 days straight for TBI awareness South Australian Nick Dowling is in the midst of a running challenge all in the...
Jack and Sam – the border to the big game! Jack Corcoran and Sam Oconnor will be embarking on the adventure of a lifetime in...
The AUS-mTBI national consortium will build online platforms, including an App, to facilitate the collection of mild TBI data from people across Australia.
Monash University is seeking people 18 years and over who have recently suffered a head strike and suspected concussion during a sports event.
Connectivity is pleased to announce its appointment as an Information Partner with Healthdirect Australia.
The team at Curtin Medical School is undertaking a Brain Training Intervention Study to help address brain dysfunction after injury.
Deconstructing Post-Concussion Syndrome: Is it a Neurological Condition? What is the aim of the study? The primary objective of this research project is to better...
Designing a VR Application for Motorised Wheelchair Selection: A User-Centred Approach What is the aim of the study? Wheelchair user John Hitchens came up with...
Pictures used in speech pathology storytelling tasks What is the aim of the study? In therapy, speech pathologists might ask people with TBI to tell...
Development of a tool for dynamic assessment of technology-mediated communication tasks for adults with TBI What is the aim of the study? The aim of...
Aerobic exercise as a therapeutic intervention for women who have experienced intimate partner violence What is the aim of the study? The primary aim of...
BRIDGES Guidelines The BRIDGES Guideline (BRain Injury: Developing GuidElineS for physical activities) development group has released Australia’s first guideline for physical activity for people with...
Australasian Neurotrauma Symposium 2024 Details final program for The Australasian Neurotrauma Symposium 2024 can be found below, What: Australasian Neurotrauma Symposium 2024 When: 30th November –...