Deconstructing Post-Concussion Syndrome: Is it a Neurological Condition? What is the aim of the study? The primary objective of this research project is to better...
Designing a VR Application for Motorised Wheelchair Selection: A User-Centred Approach What is the aim of the study? Wheelchair user John Hitchens came up with...
Pictures used in speech pathology storytelling tasks What is the aim of the study? In therapy, speech pathologists might ask people with TBI to tell...
Development of a tool for dynamic assessment of technology-mediated communication tasks for adults with TBI What is the aim of the study? The aim of...
Aerobic exercise as a therapeutic intervention for women who have experienced intimate partner violence What is the aim of the study? The primary aim of...
The AUS-mTBI national consortium will build online platforms, including an App, to facilitate the collection of mild TBI data from people across Australia.
Improved Sleep Health (ISH) What is the aim of the study? The study aims to comprehensively characterise sleep health in people living with a neurological...
PRECISION-TBI A multi-centre prospective observational cohort study of patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. What is the aim of the study: Traumatic Brain...
Barriers and Facilitators to Physical Activity Following a Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Overview: You are invited to take part in this research project: Barriers and...