Aerobic exercise as a therapeutic intervention for women who have experienced intimate partner violence
What is the aim of the study?
The primary aim of this study is to determine whether aerobic exercise intervention can improve outcomes in women with PTSD. Secondary to this is whether this intervention is effective in women who have experienced IPV-BI experiencing PPCS. In addition, we hope to identify objective markers in the blood to supplement our knowledge of improvement.
About the study
This study involves an initial screening visit which involves an exercise tolerance test on a stationary bike, biopsychosocial surveys, and blood and saliva collection. If the participant is eligible to continue, they will be randomly assigned either daily aerobic exercise or passive stretching, and given a Fitbit smartwatch to wear everyday so their heart rate can be monitored. Eligible participants will then return every week for the next three weeks and redo the exercise tolerance test, surveys, and blood collection. On the fourth (final) week, participants will complete the bike test, surveys, blood and saliva collection, and complete a battery of cognitive tests.
Who can participate?
Women from the state of Victoria aged 18-70 with have a history of intimate partner violence, with the last incidence occurring at least 3 months ago. Each participant needs to have daily access to a smartphone and internet.
The study involves:
Up to 4 weeks exercise program
Initial screening & follow-up appointments including: exercise tolerance test, a medical history interview / questionnaire, cognitive testing, blood and saliva collection
What will happen to your information?
All data will also be coded in a re-identifiable manner and securely stored via REDCap. A master code linking re-identifiable details will be kept in a secure password-protected database REDCap. The manager of the linking data is PI Associate Professor Sandy Shultz. Only researchers who are actively contributing to data collection, statistical analysis and publication will have access to the data.
When will the study conclude?
The study will finish on the 1st January 2027.
Who do I contact for further information?
Dr. Georgia Symons –