Forecasting Impairment and Neurodegenerative Disease risk following Traumatic Brain Injury (FIND-TBI)
The University of Adelaide are seeking adult volunteers who have experienced a traumatic brain injury to participate in a study at their labs in the Adelaide CBD. Healthy control participants are also encouraged to apply.
What is the aim of the study? Scientists don’t yet understand the factors that predict who is at risk for long-term impairment or neurodegenerative disease development following a TBI. This study seeks to understand whether we can use a combination of behavioural tests, brain scans and markers in the blood/saliva in order to predict this risk. If we can predict who is at risk of experiencing lasting difficulties following TBI, or who might go on to develop Parkinson’s disease or other neurodegenerative conditions, we may be able to better tailor care for individuals after receiving an injury.
Who can participate? Anyone over the aged of 18 which has experienced a medically-diagnosed traumatic brain injury after the age of 10 and that can speak fluent English, not suffering from uncorrected visual or hearing disorders and are eligible for MRI scans. It is to be noted that participation is on location in the Adelaide CBD.
What does participation involve? 2 separate appointments, on location in the Adelaide CBD to complete cognitive tests, motor tests, an MRI scan and provide blood and saliva samples.
What will happen to your information? All biological samples and data will be de-identified; a unique ID number will be given to all your samples in place of your name, in order to prevent anyone from identifying you from your samples or data. These ID numbers will not correspond to any names, emails, addresses or phone numbers that may be used to identify you. A document linking your name
to your unique ID will be kept by the Principal Investigator, A/Prof Lyndsey Collins-Praino, who will store this securely on a computer at the University of Adelaide. She will be the only one able to access this information. This information will only be accessed in the case that a) we find medically significant information, and b) you have requested that we inform you of said information. In general, your samples and data will not be released for any use without your prior consent, unless required by law or by the ethics committee that approved this project. It may also be used to re-contact you in the future to ask for your participation in a follow up study, if you have consented to be re-contacted for that purpose.
Who do I contact for further information? A/Professor Lyndsey Collins-Praino via email or phone +61 8 8313 5488
For more information or to sign up, click the following links: