Grant opportunities

Grant opportunities

Connectivity aims to improve the lives of those who have suffered a TBI, along with their carers. To achieve this aim, a range of TBI Improvement Activities will be undertaken in line with the Constitution of the organisation.

Specifically, Connectivity sets out to promote the prevention and control of disease and disease processes experience by people with TBI, including from a physical, mental, neurological and functional perspective. These activities will include developing improved treatment and management resources, improved ability to diagnose and make an accurate prognosis for people who have experienced TBI, improve the quality of life of people with TBI and conduct research into limiting disease processes.

The Expert Committee of Connectivity provide advice and recommendations regarding the TBI Improvement Activities of the organisation. Depending upon the nature of the research to be conducted there may be calls for applications to conduct research in a specific area of interest. Announcements of any grant funding opportunities will be placed here.

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